Ibsen: Three Plays
Paperback, 288 pages ISBN: 9781854598462Publication Date:
3 Oct 2005
Size: 195mm x 130mm£7.99 £6.39You save £1.60 (20%)
Ebook, 288 pages ISBN: 9781780018836Publication Date:
30 Mar 2017
£7.99 £6.39You save £1.60 (20%)

Ibsen: Three Plays

By Henrik Ibsen Translated by Kenneth McLeish and Stephen Mulrine

Paperback £7.99£6.39

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Ebook £7.99£6.39

Henrik Ibsen's three great 'problem plays', A Doll's House, Ghosts and Hedda Gabler, challenged the conventions of nineteenth-century society and sparked a revolution in European theatre. Their female protagonists, Nora Helmer, Helene Alving and Hedda Gabler, continue to exert their power over modern audiences.

This volume brings together all three plays in sensitive and playable translations from the original Norwegian, along with a full introduction to Ibsen, his times and his work.

The Drama Classic Collections bring together the most popular plays from a single author or a particular period. They offer students, actors and theatregoers a series of uncluttered, accessible editions, accompanied by comprehensive introductions. Where the originals are in English, there is a glossary of unfamiliar words and phrases. Where the originals are in a foreign language, the translations aim to be both actable and accurate – and are made by translators whose work is regularly staged in the professional theatre.

Each play is also available in a separate edition: A Doll's House, Ghosts and Hedda Gabler.

'I'm going to find out – which of us is right, society or me.'

Paperback,288 pages ISBN: 9781854598462Publication Date:
3 Oct 2005
Size: 195mm x 130mm£7.99 £6.39You save £1.60 (20%)
Ebook,288 pages ISBN: 9781780018836Publication Date:
30 Mar 2017
£7.99 £6.39You save £1.60 (20%)

Also by Henrik Ibsen:

A Doll's House
Hedda Tesman
Emperor and Galilean
John Gabriel Borkman
Little Eyolf
A Doll's House
John Gabriel Borkman
Nora : A Doll's House
The Wild Duck
A Doll's House
Hedda Gabler
John Gabriel Borkman
The League of Youth
Peer Gynt
An Enemy of the People
A Master Builder
Hedda Gabler
Judgement Day
The Master Builder
Hedda Gabler
Peer Gynt
An Enemy of the People
The Lady From the Sea
The Master Builder
The Lady from the Sea
An Enemy of the People

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Also by Kenneth McLeish:

Don Juan
A Flea in Her Ear
Miss Julie
An Italian Straw Hat
Peer Gynt
A Doll's House
The Lady From the Sea
Hedda Gabler
The Master Builder
Women of Troy

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Also by Stephen Mulrine:

The Misanthrope
The Servant of Two Masters
The Seagull
The Proposal
An Enemy of the People
The Dance of Death
Six Characters in Search of an Author
The Game Of Love And Chance
John Gabriel Borkman
The Cherry Orchard
Cinzano & Smirnova's Birthday
Chekhov on Theatre
Three Sisters
Children of the Sun
On the Evils of Tobacco
The Government Inspector
The Wild Duck
Uncle Vanya
Chekhov: Four Plays
The Bear
Chekhov: Shorts
A Tragic Figure
The Marriage of Figaro
The Wedding

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