The Servant of Two Masters
Series: Drama Classics
Imprint: Nick Hern Books
Paperback, 160 pages ISBN: 9781848421936Publication Date:
26 Jan 2012
Size: 160mm x 105mm£5.99 £4.79You save £1.20 (20%)
Ebook, 160 pages ISBN: 9781780015279Publication Date:
12 Jan 2015
£5.99 £4.79You save £1.20 (20%)
First Staged:

The Servant of Two Masters

By Carlo Goldoni Translated by Stephen Mulrine

Paperback £5.99£4.79

Ebook £5.99£4.79

Drama Classics: The World's Great Plays at a Great Little Price

A classic Italian comedy that remains blisteringly hilarious and relevant, over two hundred and fifty years after it was written.

Disguising herself as her dead brother, Beatrice travels to Venice to find Florindo, the man responsible for his death. However, her servant, Truffaldino, enters into the pay of Florindo, and struggles to keep his two lives and masters separate.

Carlo Goldoni's play The Servant of Two Masters (Il servitore di due padroni) was written in the 1740s, though later revised by its author. It draws on the tradition of Italian commedia dell'arte.

This English version in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series is translated by Stephen Mulrine.

Series: Drama Classics
Imprint: Nick Hern Books
Paperback,160 pages ISBN: 9781848421936Publication Date:
26 Jan 2012
Size: 160mm x 105mm£5.99 £4.79You save £1.20 (20%)
Ebook,160 pages ISBN: 9781780015279Publication Date:
12 Jan 2015
£5.99 £4.79You save £1.20 (20%)

Also by Stephen Mulrine:

The Proposal
An Enemy of the People
Chekhov: Four Plays
A Tragic Figure
The Seagull
The Misanthrope
Chekhov: Shorts
Six Characters in Search of an Author
John Gabriel Borkman
Chekhov on Theatre
The Wild Duck
The Dance of Death
On the Evils of Tobacco
Ibsen: Three Plays
The Game Of Love And Chance
The Government Inspector
The Wedding
The Cherry Orchard
Three Sisters
Uncle Vanya
The Bear
The Marriage of Figaro
Children of the Sun
Cinzano & Smirnova's Birthday

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