Ebook, 16 pages ISBN: 9781788500623Publication Date:
14 Jun 2018
£2.99 £2.39You save £0.60 (20%)
First Staged:
Hampstead Theatre, London, 2016


By Winsome Pinnock

Ebook £2.99£2.39

Tituba by Winsome Pinnock is a one-woman show about Tituba Indian, the enslaved woman who played a central role in the seventeenth-century Salem Witch Trials.

It was first performed at Hampstead Theatre, London, in November 2016, as part of the Women Centre Stage Festival produced by Sphinx Theatre, demonstrating the range, depth and richness of women's writing for the stage.

The play is also available in Women Centre Stage, a collection of eight short plays selected by Sue Parrish, Artistic Director of Sphinx Theatre. All the plays included in this volume offer a wide variety of rewarding roles for women, and are perfect for schools, youth groups and theatre companies to perform. Other writers included in the collection include Timberlake Wertenbaker, Georgia Christou and April De Angelis.

Ebook,16 pages ISBN: 9781788500623Publication Date:
14 Jun 2018
£2.99 £2.39You save £0.60 (20%)

Also by Winsome Pinnock:

Rockets and Blue Lights
Leave Taking
Women Centre Stage: Eight Short Plays By and About Women
Leave Taking: The Play & The GCSE Study Guide – BUNDLE DEAL

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