Ebook, 60 pages ISBN: 9781780014517Publication Date:
24 Jun 2015
£4.99 £3.99You save £1.00 (20%)
First Staged:
Clean Break at Soho Theatre, London, 2010


By Winsome Pinnock

Ebook £4.99£3.99

A mother is confronted by the child she had to give up.

Winsome Pinnock's short play Taken was first performed at Soho Theatre, London, as part of Clean Break's Charged season in November 2010.

It is also available in the collection Charged.

Ebook,60 pages ISBN: 9781780014517Publication Date:
24 Jun 2015
£4.99 £3.99You save £1.00 (20%)

Also by Winsome Pinnock:

Women Centre Stage: Eight Short Plays By and About Women
Rockets and Blue Lights
Leave Taking
Leave Taking: The Play & The GCSE Study Guide – BUNDLE DEAL

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