Comment is Free
Ebook, 45 pages ISBN: 9781780019895Publication Date:
9 Nov 2017
£6.99 £5.59You save £1.40 (20%)
First Staged:
Old Vic New Voices, 2015; BBC Radio 4, 2016

Comment is Free

By James Fritz

Ebook £6.99£5.59

A journalist forms the centre of a devastating media storm in James Fritz's urgent, gripping and innovative play.

After being staged by Old Vic New Voices in 2015, the version published here was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2016, winning both the Tinniswood and Imison Awards for Audio Drama.

Comment is Free is also available in the volume Comment is Free & Start Swimming: Two Plays.

Press Quotes

'A brilliant piece... It took my breath away'

Telegraph on Comment is Free
Ebook,45 pages ISBN: 9781780019895Publication Date:
9 Nov 2017
£6.99 £5.59You save £1.40 (20%)

Also by James Fritz:

Parliament Square
James Fritz Plays: One
The Fall
Ross & Rachel
Four Minutes Twelve Seconds
The Flea
Skyscraper Lullaby
Comment is Free & Start Swimming
Start Swimming

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