Something Awful
Ebook, 54 pages ISBN: 9781788503167Publication Date:
20 Feb 2020
£4.99 £3.99You save £1.00 (20%)
First Staged:
VAULT Festival, London, 2020

Something Awful

By Tatty Hennessy

Ebook £4.99£3.99

A thrilling play inspired by the true-crime story of the Slenderman.

Soph and her best friend Jel love scary stories and hunt for the best online. But then new girl Ellie turns up at school with one of her own.

Tatty Hennessy's play Something Awful was first staged at VAULT Festival, London, in 2020.

It is also available in the volume Plays from VAULT 5.

Blog Post: VAULT 2020 writers on their plays, and what it means to be selected for VAULT Festival. Read more on our blog>>

Press Quotes

'Compelling... a layered and perceptive take on the dangers of today's world'

Broadway World

'Hennessy has very creatively taken an already compelling story, and crafted it in to an even more suspenseful tale, with young people and the challenges they face at its heart'

Theatre Weekly
Ebook,54 pages ISBN: 9781788503167Publication Date:
20 Feb 2020
£4.99 £3.99You save £1.00 (20%)

Also by Tatty Hennessy:

Distant Early Warning
Heretic Voices
A Hundred Words for Snow
Animal Farm
Plays from VAULT 5

Go to author page...

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