Cold Comfort
Published in volume Singular Male Voices
First Staged:
Old Museum Arts Centre, Belfast, 2005; Theatre 503, London, 2006

Cold Comfort

By Owen McCafferty
Published in volume Singular Male Voices

A powerful monologue about an Irish labourer living in London who returns home to Belfast to have a last, drunken 'conversation' with his recently dead father.

Owen McCafferty's play Cold Comfort was first staged by Prime Cut Productions Theatre Company at the Old Museum Arts Centre in Belfast in May 2005.

Press Quotes

'An angry requiem soaked in whiskey... a shattering portrait of self-inflicted pain'

Sunday Times

Also by Owen McCafferty:

Mojo Mickybo: Three Plays
Shoot the Crow
Mojo Mickybo
Scenes From the Big Picture
The Waiting List
I Won't Dance - Don't Ask Me
Days of Wine and Roses
Closing Time
Singular Male Voices

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