The Shipment and Lear: two plays
Paperback, 112 pages ISBN: 9781559363563Publication Date:
31 Mar 2011
Size: 215mm x 135mm£18.99
Titles included:
The Shipment

The Shipment and Lear: two plays

By Young Jean Lee

Paperback £18.99

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Two plays by Korean-American theatre practitioner and writer Young Jean Lee, who here 'confirms herself as one of the best experimental playwrights in America' (Timeout New York).

The Shipment is a provocative look at African-American identity in today's not-quite post-racial society.

Lear is an alternative re-working of Shakespeare's celebrated tragedy, focusing on the king's three daughters.

Press Quotes

'A subversive, seriously funny new theater piece by the adventurous playwright Young Jean Lee... Ms. Lee does not shy away from prodding the audience’s racial sensitivities - or insensitivities - in a style that is sometimes sly and subtle, sometimes as blunt as a poke in the eye.'

New York Times on 'The Shipment'

'Lee uses King Lear and some beautifully unconventional additions to flesh out Shakespeare's themes of loneliness, mortality and filial responsibility in gratifying and moving depth'

Variety on 'Lear'
Paperback,112 pages ISBN: 9781559363563Publication Date:
31 Mar 2011
Size: 215mm x 135mm£18.99

Also by Young Jean Lee:

The Shipment
Songs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven and Other Plays
Straight White Men & Untitled Feminist Show: two plays
We're Gonna Die

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