Showing 169-180 of 433 items.

Pride and Prejudice* (*sort of) (2019 edition)

By Isobel McArthur Original author Jane Austen

A loving and irreverent all-female adaptation of Jane Austen's unrivalled literary classic.

I Fucked You in My Spaceship

A razor-sharp sci-fi comedy-drama about sex and relationships, winner of the Origins Award for Outstanding New Work at VAULT Festival, London.

The Late Middle Classes

A funny yet melancholic look at the frustrations, secrets and guilt of middle-class respectability in 1950s England.

  • Paperback£9.99 £7.99
    There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.
  • Ebook£9.99 £7.99

While You Lie

A blistering play about our need for honesty in relationships and how it can sometimes bring about their downfall.

  • Paperback£9.99 £7.99
    There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.

Clybourne Park

An acerbically brilliant satire that explores the fault line between race and property.


A romantic-comedy-thriller about the heat of love and the magic of changing perspectives.

Dusk Rings A Bell

A beautifully crafted play from the American playwright, author of Tape and associate writer of The Laramie Project, whose events are echoed in this play.

  • Paperback£9.99 £7.99
    There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.

No Naughty Bits

A gloriously funny play about the nature of comedy, the operation of censorship, and the complex misunderstandings implicit in the Anglo-American relationship.

  • Paperback£9.99 £7.99
    There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.

Herding Cats

A chillingly funny play that freeze-frames a generation negotiating intimacy and independence in the twenty-first century.

  • Paperback£9.99 £7.99
    There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.
  • Ebook£9.99 £7.99

French Without Tears

A masterpiece of light comedy from Terence Rattigan, about a group of bright young things attempting to learn French on the Riviera amid myriad distractions.

Les Parents Terribles

By Jean Cocteau Translated by Jeremy Sams

Jean Cocteau's frank, ironic, bruisingly melodramatic play dealing with incest and the diseased love from which it stems.

  • Paperback£9.99 £7.99
    There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.

Smelling a Rat

A black comedy/farce from the author of Abigail's Party, premiered at Hampstead Theatre in 1988.

  • Paperback£9.99 £7.99
    There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.

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