NHB at Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2015

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Edinburgh Festival FringeYes, it's that time of year again: the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2015, the largest arts festival in the world, kicks off on 7 August.

Nick Hern Books is publishing five fantasic plays at this year's Fringe - if you're not able to go, it's the perfect way to experience some of the best new writing on display at the festival this year.

The plays explore topics such as faith, community, family, relationships and the extremes of modern life - and we're offering a special 25% discount to celebrate their publication. Click here to see what we're publishing, and for details on the offer.

Meanwhile, over on our blog, four amateur companies taking NHB-licensed shows to Edinburgh report on how their preparations have been going. Read their stories here - and check back in after the Fringe to hear how they got on.



  • Swallow
  • The Christians
  • The Human Ear
  • The Solid Life of Sugar Water
  • Ross & Rachel