Bad Boy Nietzsche! and other plays
Paperback, 256 pages ISBN: 9781559362573Publication Date:
10 Jul 2008
Size: 216mm x 138mm£22.99
First Staged:
New York, 2000 (Bad Boy Nietzsche!)

Bad Boy Nietzsche! and other plays

By Richard Foreman

Paperback £22.99

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Richard Foreman has been at the leading edge of the theatrical avant-garde in the US and throughout the world since 1968. His legendary productions, written and directed by him, at his Ontological-Hysteric Theatre have influenced two generations of theatre artists. Author of over 55 original works for the stage and as a director of classic texts, operas and modern work, Foreman is truly a contemporary renaissance man.

This new anthology collects plays written and performed over six years, including Now That Communism Is Dead My Life Feels Empty!, Maria del Bosco, Panic! (How to Be Happy!), Bad Boy Nietzsche!, Bad Behavior and King Cowboy Rufus Rules the Universe!

Press Quotes

'Strange, often baffling, but always deeply felt, Foreman’s body of work is a testament to a playwright’s search for fresh and unimagined ways of experiencing reality'

Village Voice
Paperback,256 pages ISBN: 9781559362573Publication Date:
10 Jul 2008
Size: 216mm x 138mm£22.99

Also by Richard Foreman:

Richard Foreman: The Manifestos and Essays
Unbalancing Acts: Foundations for a Theater
Plays for the Public
Love & Science

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