American Theatre Book of Monologues for Men
Paperback, 144 pages ISBN: 9781559361972Publication Date:
8 Jul 2003
Size: 217mm x 137mm£17.99

American Theatre Book of Monologues for Men

Edited by Stephanie Coen

Paperback £17.99

A volume of audition pieces selected from the best contemporary American plays.

This selection of monologue material has been drawn from the ninety new plays published in American Theatre magazine over the last 15 years. Authors include Edward Albee, Eric Bogosian, Richard Greenberg, Tony Kushner, David Mamet, Steve Martin, Richard Nelson, Sam Shepard, Paula Vogel, Naomi Wallace, Wendy Wasserstein and George C. Wolfe. 

A companion volume, American Theatre Book of Monologues for Women, is also available.

Paperback,144 pages ISBN: 9781559361972Publication Date:
8 Jul 2003
Size: 217mm x 137mm£17.99

Also by Stephanie Coen:

American Theatre Book of Monologues for Women

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