Actions: The Actors' Thesaurus
Imprint: Nick Hern Books
Paperback, 192 pages ISBN: 9781854596741Publication Date:
26 Mar 2004
Size: 213mm x 108mm£10.99 £8.79You save £2.20 (20%)
Ebook, 192 pages ISBN: 9781780019727Publication Date:
26 Oct 2017
£10.99 £8.79You save £2.20 (20%)

Actions: The Actors' Thesaurus

By Marina Caldarone and Maggie Lloyd-Williams

Paperback £10.99£8.79

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Ebook £10.99£8.79

A vital companion for actors in rehearsal - a thesaurus of action-words to revitalise performance, with a foreword by Terry Johnson.

Finding the right action is an essential part of the process of preparation for the actor. Using this thesaurus of active verbs, the actor can refine the action-word until s/he hits exactly the right one to help make the action come alive. The method of 'actioning' is widely used in rehearsal rooms, but has never before been set down in a systematic and comprehensive way.

'If you want to act, or act better, Actions will take you a long way on the journey to excellence' Terry Johnson

See more about the book at the Actions website.


ActionsBased on the bestselling book, Actions: The Actors' Thesaurus is now available as an app for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

In addition to the full list of action-words found in the book, the app includes:

  • A to Z search, and predictive search function
  • Emotional groupings to help you pinpoint the action you require
  • Bookmark, note-making and random word functions
  • Share your actions on social media or by email
  • Full instructions on how to use actioning in rehearsal, plus how to use the app

To learn more, and download your copy, visit the iTunes website.

'This condenses all the usefulness of the book into a neat little app. Absolutely invaluable!' - User review

Imprint: Nick Hern Books
Paperback,192 pages ISBN: 9781854596741Publication Date:
26 Mar 2004
Size: 213mm x 108mm£10.99 £8.79You save £2.20 (20%)
Ebook,192 pages ISBN: 9781780019727Publication Date:
26 Oct 2017
£10.99 £8.79You save £2.20 (20%)

Also by Marina Caldarone:

Classical Monologues for Women
Classical Monologues for Men

Go to author page...

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