F*ck the Polar Bears

Cast: 2f 2m plus a young girl

Staging: single built set

Amateur rights performance fee: £85 per performance (plus VAT where applicable)

Paperback, 96 pages ISBN: 9781848425101Publication Date:
10 Sep 2015
Size: 198mm x 129mm£9.99 £7.99You save £2.00 (20%)
Ebook, 96 pages ISBN: 9781780016597Publication Date:
14 Sep 2015
£9.99 £7.99You save £2.00 (20%)
First Staged:
Bush Theatre, London, 2015

F*ck the Polar Bears

By Tanya Ronder

Paperback £9.99£7.99

Ebook £9.99£7.99

A raucous family drama about the cost of living the life of our dreams.

Gordon and Serena have worked hard to get where they are. He's on the verge of a massive promotion at an energy giant. She's preparing for a move into the house of their dreams.

The family appear to be cooking on gas.

But behind their perfect front door, light bulbs are blowing, the drains keep blocking, and a phone inexplicably refuses to charge. Not to mention that daughter Rachel’s adored toy polar bear is nowhere to be found.

F*ck the Polar Bears premiered at the Bush Theatre, London, in September 2015.

‘I dry my hair at the same time as boiling the kettle and watching Strictly, I use an electric blanket, how do I hate myself, let me count the ways!’

Press Quotes

'Many brilliant lines... a compact family drama with a catastrophic global footprint, a stark message for those who retreat from responsibility behind their own four walls'

Time Out

Cast: 2f 2m plus a young girl

Staging:single built set

Amateur rights performance fee: £85 per performance (plus VAT where applicable)

Paperback,96 pages ISBN: 9781848425101Publication Date:
10 Sep 2015
Size: 198mm x 129mm£9.99 £7.99You save £2.00 (20%)
Ebook,96 pages ISBN: 9781780016597Publication Date:
14 Sep 2015
£9.99 £7.99You save £2.00 (20%)

Also by Tanya Ronder:

Vernon God Little
Blood Wedding

Go to author page...

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