Showing 109-120 of 427 items.

Pop Music

A rollercoaster of a play for anyone that’s ever been a dick on the dance floor.

Player's Angels

A play set in 1950s Nottingham, following a group of friends who work on the production line of the John Player tobacco factory.

  • PDF£54.00
    There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.

The Playboy of the Western World

J.M. Synge's extraordinary play about a young man on the run, and his unexpected elevation to folk hero. In the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series.


A delightfully unfestive comedy about a group of recent graduates doing seasonal work selling Christmas trees.


A play about adventure, betrayal, and man's impulse to conquer the world.

  • Paperback£10.99 £8.79
    There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.
  • Ebook£10.99 £8.79


By Jean Racine Translated by Julie Rose

Racine's reworking of Euripides' Hippolytus, celebrated for its tragic construction and the richness of its language.

  • Paperback£4.50 £3.60
    There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.

Persuasion (stage version)

By Jane Austen Adapted by Mark Healy

A faithful yet inventive adaptation of Jane Austen's novel, with a set of Production Notes designed to make it easily stageable.


A gripping drama of sex, power and passion from the Spanish Golden Age.

Perfect Days

A funny, sad and truthful romantic comedy about beating the biological clock.


A savage, tragicomic take on the classic Greek myth of Penelope, wife of Odysseus.


A darkly comic, claustrophobic tale of voyeurism and sexual politics.

Patricia Gets Ready (for a date with the man that used to hit her)

A powerful play for one actor about a woman recovering from an abusive relationship.

Amateur Productions
On Now & Coming Soon

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