Fault Lines

Cast: 2f 2m

Staging: Single built set

Amateur rights performance fee: £85 per performance (plus VAT where applicable)

Paperback, 112 pages ISBN: 9781848423763Publication Date:
5 Dec 2013
Size: 198mm x 129mm£9.99 £7.99You save £2.00 (20%)
Ebook, 112 pages ISBN: 9781780013244Publication Date:
19 Dec 2013
£9.99 £7.99You save £2.00 (20%)
First Staged:
Hampstead Theatre, London, 2013

Fault Lines

By Ali Taylor

Paperback £9.99£7.99

There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.

Ebook £9.99£7.99

A razor-sharp new comedy that exposes the dilemmas of working in charity today and asks whether doing good is always the same as being good.

7.32am. Christmas Eve.

Disasters Relief's staff parties are legendary – but their aftermath cataclysmic. Nick and Abi wake amidst the carnage to breaking news: a massive earthquake has struck Pakistan.

Gathering their clothes – and dignity – the race with rivals Oxfam begins. Who can be the first to dispatch branded aid in full view of the world media? And how far are they willing to go? With the appalling spectre of last night's antics hanging over everything, the day rapidly spirals into a dizzying web of secrets and lies.

Ali Taylor's play Fault Lines was first performed at Hampstead Theatre, London in December 2013.

Cast: 2f 2m

Staging:Single built set

Amateur rights performance fee: £85 per performance (plus VAT where applicable)

Paperback,112 pages ISBN: 9781848423763Publication Date:
5 Dec 2013
Size: 198mm x 129mm£9.99 £7.99You save £2.00 (20%)
Ebook,112 pages ISBN: 9781780013244Publication Date:
19 Dec 2013
£9.99 £7.99You save £2.00 (20%)

Also by Ali Taylor:

Cotton Wool
The Machine Gunners

Go to author page...

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