Showing 133-144 of 252 items.

Mehndi Night

A touching family tale about resentment and forgiveness on the night before a wedding.

The Urban Girl's Guide to Camping

A bittersweet comedy about life, love and friendship once school is long gone.

Stolen Secrets

From the heart of London's East End, Stolen Secrets are urban fairytales, bold, lyrical and gruesome, that can be performed individually or together for maximum shock value.

The Unravelling

A Fringe First Award-winning fable about the power of mythology to change your life.


An ensemble play for teenage performers created by award-winning playwright Fin Kennedy.


A fictional account of the 2011 Occupy London movement, set in the heart of a very British crisis – a crisis of conscience, a crisis of authority and a crisis of faith.

Love, Love, Love

Are baby boomers to blame for the fact that their children's generation is debt-ridden and adrift? Love, Love, Love takes on the baby boomer generation as it retires, and finds it full of trouble.

Playing the Game

A short play about the election of a new President of a Students' Association.


A darkly confessional monologue for one male performer and a slide projector.


An electrifying drama about what happens to personal identity in an age of ubiquitous technology and social media.


A gripping, kaleidoscopic drama about a clash of values in multicultural Britain, from actor and playwright John Hollingworth.


A thrillingly fast-paced play about youthful disaffection, protest and violence, drawing on the history of the Scuttlers, the youth gangs of nineteenth-century Manchester.

Amateur Productions
On Now & Coming Soon

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