Showing 49-60 of 440 items.

Rock / Paper / Scissors

Three Plays

Three intricately interwoven plays about family, heritage and legacy, centring around a Sheffield manufacturing family.


A play about family, heritage and legacy, part of Chris Bush's triptych of plays about a Sheffield manufacturing family, Rock / Paper / Scissors.


A play about family, heritage and legacy, part of Chris Bush's triptych of plays about a Sheffield manufacturing family, Rock / Paper / Scissors.


A play about family, heritage and legacy, part of Chris Bush's triptych of plays about a Sheffield manufacturing family, Rock / Paper / Scissors.

The Father and the Assassin

A gripping play about the man who murdered Mahatma Gandhi, premiered at the National Theatre, London.


A comedy for the new Restoration of the theatres, set in contemporary, post-pandemic London, full of illicit sex, political hypocrisy and the machinations of a fame-hungry elite.

The Maladies

A powerful, provocative play exploring psychogenic illness amongst groups of women throughout history, premiered by the Almeida Young Company.


A witty and sensitive portrayal of managing mental health within a family, highlighting the barriers we put up in order to put on a brave face.

The Meaning of Zong

Giles Terera's powerful debut play about Olaudah Equiano and the historical movement to abolish slavery – a timely response to the social upheaval the world has witnessed in recent years.

Red Ellen

A play that tells the remarkable true story of an inspiring and brilliant woman: Ellen Wilkinson, who was a campaigning Labour MP in the 1930s and 40s.

The Bone Sparrow (stage version)

A stage adaptation of Zana Fraillon's powerful and deeply moving novel about the displacement and treatment of refugees and sanctuary seekers in Australia.

Small Island (stage version)

Andrea Levy's epic novel tracing the tangled history of Jamaica and Britain, adapted for the stage by Helen Edmundson.

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