Showing 1-12 of 313 items.

The York Mystery Plays

Adapted by Mike Poulton

The greatest story ever told, in a version by Mike Poulton, premiered at York Minster in May 2016.

  • Paperback£9.99 £7.99
    There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.
  • Ebook£9.99 £7.99

Wuthering Heights (stage version)

An eminently actable, and readable, version of the well-loved story about a passionate but doomed love affair, one of the most famous and enduring love stories in the English language.

  • Paperback£11.99 £9.59
    There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.

Wuthering Heights (stage version)

A ferocious, wild and utterly exhilarating adaptation of Emily Brontë's indelible masterpiece.

Written on the Heart

An enthralling historical drama about the creation of the King James Bible, commissioned by the Royal Shakespeare Company to mark its four-hundredth anniversary.

  • Paperback£9.99 £7.99
    There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.

Wolf Hall & Bring Up the Bodies (stage version)

Mike Poulton's two-part adaptation of Hilary Mantel's acclaimed novels Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies. A thrilling and utterly convincing portrait of a brilliant man embroiled in the lethal, high-stakes politics of the Court of Henry VIII.

Wolf Hall (stage version)

The first part of Mike Poulton's two-part adaptation of Hilary Mantel's acclaimed novels Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies. A thrilling and utterly convincing portrait of a brilliant man embroiled in the lethal, high-stakes politics of the Court of Henry VIII.

    Wild Swimming

    A kaleidoscopic exploration of cultural progress, an interrogation of gender and privilege, and a wilfully ignorant history of English Literature.

    Wild Notes

    A play exploring the impact of colonialism through a meeting between Frederick Douglass, the escaped slave and abolitionist who visited Ireland in the 1840s, and a young Irishwoman hoping to emigrate to the country he's running from.

    The Wider Earth

    A powerfully dramatic play about Charles Darwin's voyage on board HMS Beagle - an adventure that changed not only his own life, but also the history of the entire world.

    Whisky Galore (stage version)

    A stage adaptation of Compton Mackenzie's comedy classic, combining rollicking physical theatre, panto and farce, with an array of hilarious characters for any female-led theatre company.

    When Winston Went to War with the Wireless

    A gripping and timely play about Winston Churchill, the 1920s General Strike and the birth of the BBC.

    What Shadows

    A searing look at identity and immigration within a bitterly divided country.

    Amateur Productions
    On Now & Coming Soon

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