Showing 97-108 of 1,485 items.

The Lady From the Sea

By Henrik Ibsen Translated by Kenneth McLeish

One of Ibsen's most powerful studies of female psychology, in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series.


The story of Andromache, widow of the Trojan hero Hector. In the Drama Classics series.


By Henrik Ibsen Translated by Kenneth McLeish

Ibsen's play about idealism and liberalism undermined by a deeply conservative society. In an English translation by Kenneth McLeish, published in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series.

The Wild Duck

By Henrik Ibsen Translated by Stephen Mulrine

Ibsen's masterpiece of modern tragicomedy, in an English translation by Stephen Mulrine. In the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series.

Women of Troy

By Euripides Translated by Kenneth McLeish

Euripides' great tragedy, covering themes of religious scepticism, the injustices within roles for women and the destructive power of war. In the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series.

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Euripides' version of the Ancient Greek myth of revenge on a murdering parent. In the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series.



By Euripides Translated by Marianne McDonald

An English translation of Euripides' classic tragedy, published in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series.

  • Paperback£3.99 £3.19
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By Maxim Gorky Translated by Stephen Mulrine

Gorky's magnificent play about the Russian bourgeois social class and the changes occurring around them in the middle of the first decade of the twentieth century. In the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series.

  • Paperback£3.99 £3.19
    There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.
  • Ebook£3.99 £3.19

The Beggar's Opera

John Gay's bawdy and burlesque pastiche of classical Italian opera, often regarded as the world's first ever musical.

A Chaste Maid in Cheapside

A delightfully lewd city comedy by the co-author of The Changeling.

London Assurance

A classic comedy of manners with two of the great comic roles of the English stage, published in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series.


By Sergi Belbel Translated by John London

An acclaimed Catalan drama that presesnt a disturbing picture of contemporary Western society set against a background of urban alienation and violence.

Amateur Productions
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