Showing 1-12 of 1,485 items.

Yous Two

A moving portrayal of the conflict between personal aspiration and familial responsibility, and what happens when those you should depend on need you more than you need them.

  • Paperback£9.99 £7.99
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  • Ebook£9.99 £7.99

Your Turn to Clean the Stair

A comically sinister study of the tensions in an Edinburgh tenement.

    You Stupid Darkness!

    An urgent play about the struggle for optimism and community amid the chaos of a world falling apart.

    The York Mystery Plays

    Adapted by Mike Poulton

    The greatest story ever told, in a version by Mike Poulton, premiered at York Minster in May 2016.

    • Paperback£9.99 £7.99
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    • Ebook£9.99 £7.99


    Lorca's tale of an impassioned, childless woman who is driven by madness to commit a heinous crime. In the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series.

    • Paperback£4.50 £3.60
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    • Ebook£4.99 £3.99


    Anna Jordan's Bruntwood Prize-winning play, Yen explores a childhood lived without boundaries and the consequences of being forced to grow up on your own.


    Politics and the planet collide in a fiercely original play about the limits of science, the power of myths, and the things we can't control.

    Yellow Face

    A mock documentary that puts Hwang himself centre-stage as he uses the controversy over colour-blind casting for Miss Saigon and the racially motivated federal investigation of his own father to explore Asian identity and the ever-changing definition of what it is to be an American.

    • Paperback£17.99
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    Wuthering Heights (stage version)

    An eminently actable, and readable, version of the well-loved story about a passionate but doomed love affair, one of the most famous and enduring love stories in the English language.

    • Paperback£11.99 £9.59
      There is limited availability of this title. Please enquire before placing your order.

    Wuthering Heights (stage version)

    A ferocious, wild and utterly exhilarating adaptation of Emily Brontë's indelible masterpiece.

    Written on the Heart

    An enthralling historical drama about the creation of the King James Bible, commissioned by the Royal Shakespeare Company to mark its four-hundredth anniversary.

    • Paperback£9.99 £7.99
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    The Writer

    A young writer challenges the status quo but discovers that creative gain comes at a personal cost.

    Amateur Productions
    On Now & Coming Soon

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