Showing 241-252 of 485 items.

The Dream Collector

An ensemble play for teenage performers created by award-winning playwright Fin Kennedy.

Image of an Unknown Young Woman

A startlingly theatrical look at what happens when a politically inflammatory video goes viral and it all kicks off.

Love, Love, Love

Are baby boomers to blame for the fact that their children's generation is debt-ridden and adrift? Love, Love, Love takes on the baby boomer generation as it retires, and finds it full of trouble.

Acting Leader

A short play about Margaret Beckett finding herself Acting Leader of the Opposition after the sudden death of John Smith.

Bloody Wimmin

A short play about the protests at Greenham Common, a political landmark in the fight for nuclear disarmament.

Handbagged (one-act version)

A short play about the working relationship between Mrs Thatcher and the Queen.

The Lioness

A short play about Elizabeth I: the myth and the reality.

The Milliner and the Weaver

A short play about the Suffragette movement in Ireland, as the question of Home Rule divides the nation.


A short play about a millionaire businesswoman confronted by an unexpected visitor.


A deeply provocative thriller set in a blighted landscape where nature is fiercely taking its course, Deluge is a gripping drama from the Papatango Prize-winning author of Coolatully.

Hedda Gabler (Abbey Theatre version)

A fluid yet faithful adaptation of Ibsen's masterpiece.


A bold reimagining of Hans Christian Andersen's tale of love, loss and desire, transported to a contemporary setting.

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