100 Monologues
Paperback, 344 pages ISBN: 9781559364645Publication Date:
25 Sep 2014
Size: 215mm x 135mm£21.99

100 Monologues

By Eric Bogosian

Paperback £21.99

100 Monologues collects all of Eric Bogosian's monologues, originally performed as part of his six off-Broadway solo shows, including Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll; Pounding Nails in the Floor with my Forehead; Wake Up and Smell the Coffee; Drinking in America; Funhouse; Men Inside and selections from his play Talk Radio.

For these solo shows, first performed between 1980 and 2000, Bogosian was awarded three Obie awards and a Drama Desk award.

Press Quotes

'Mr. Bogosian has crossed the line that separates an exciting artist from a cultural hero. What Lenny Bruce was to the 1950s, Bob Dylan to the 1960s, Woody Allen to the 1970s—that's what Eric Bogosian is to this frightening moment of drift... I know of no one else like him in pop culture right now.'

Frank Rich - New York Times
Paperback,344 pages ISBN: 9781559364645Publication Date:
25 Sep 2014
Size: 215mm x 135mm£21.99

Also by Eric Bogosian:

Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll
Wake Up And Smell The Coffee
Humpty Dumpty and other plays
Sex Plays
Talk Radio
Notes from Underground
Pounding Nails In The Floor With My Forehead
The Essential Bogosian

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